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I will meet you at any point of the frontier - after November - that you may designate, to concoct measures, which I doubt not will secure the object desired. I am General, Your obdt. servant 3187 D. T. '74 (Sgd) C.C. Augur Brigadier General U.S.A. Commanding Iuddo, I. T. Novbr. 23. 1874 Telegram to Col. Taylor, Dept. Headqrs. San Antonio, Texas Say to General Fuero how much I regret my necessary absence. I hope he can postpone his visit until early in January. If he cannot come then to San Antonio, I will meet him at Tiedras Negras or Fort Duncan (Sgs) C. C. Augur. Brig. Gen'l Memorandum for the information of the Department Commander, D. T. The troops from the Dep't of Texas, designated for field-operations are as follows for Depot on the Fresh Fork of the Brazos. five (5) Companies of Infantry. 1st Cavalry Column, eight (8) Companies of 4th Cavalry, operating from Supply Camp on Fresh Fork, one or two Companies of Infantry with train. 2nd.Column operating from Fort Griggin and Fresh Fork of the Brazos, Lt Col. Bueull, commdg., five (5) Companies of Infantry. 3rd. Column St. Col. Davidson, Commdg., eight (8) Companies of 10th. Cavalry two (2) Cos. of Infantry, operating from Fort Sill unclear The 1st Column will move North from the Fresh Fork along the Edge of the Staked Plains, passing either from the head of the Brazos to the head of the Main Red River and thence to the head of the Salt Fork - or by Quitte Dua, crossing Red River and thence to the head of Salk Fork and perhaps eventually going into Camp Supply. This movement to commence Sept. 15th. to 18th. 2nd. Column from a point selected on Beaver Creek, crosses Pease River and marches up Main Red River to trail of 1872 and thence according to circumstances. Both Columns will disregard any general directions if any probability offers of overtaking Indians, to disregard small parties and endeavor to strike Indian Camps. Greatest care to be exercised with reference to keeping horses in condition. Both Columns to take with them, as nearly as possible. six weeks rations and thirty days half forage. Both Columns to move, 1st from Fresh Fork, 2nd. from the Beaver, Sept. 18th. In all Columns it must be borne in mind that superiority number of Cavalry