think, she had put N.Y. instead of Dak.! She had put my name on the envelope, for return if necessary, so the formula did good that time. We had a chance to send last evening, so it is winging its way to the North West, instead of towards the old home. We have been having "roasting ears" for about a week, nice and sweet. Do you know the meaning of that term? "Back East" we would say "Green Corn." Our Golden Sweets are nearly gone. Another sweet[?] is coming on apace. Mary picked a bu. or more of small pie apples - also half a pan of peaches. She had to go through the tall grass & weeks so she was dripping wet when she got through & gladly bathed & redressed. I got breakfast, washed dishes, milk pans & pails, made beds and a currant cake, besides biscuits for dinner, put on potatoes, fried bacon set table, washed dinner dishes and began to clean out the wood box. I almost forgot to mention putting meal into cuptins? I am making and setting it to live? Yesterday a hen in the Hay stable hatched 3 chicks as there were more eggs, we took the little things about dark and gave them to the mother of 5 just a little older. They passed a quiet