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Nayle downe my ffeete, that they may nev[er] rise [in margin pedem] To lift a heele gainst truth, or thee dispise Ffixe my right ffoot w[i]th fortitude gainst feare Rivitt my left w[i]th ['fortitude' struck through] constancie to beare And that thy sharpe hoves may my sinnes apall Reach on thy hissope reed, thy purging Gall, W[i]th maye distaste in mee ffleshlye delights And to the spirritts food give apetite But father, lett this cupp the world, gilt cupp Passe by and yt I nere maye drincke that upp Lett me p[er]ceave this world soe loved of all [in margin Spongia] Is but a Sponge, of viniger and gall W[hi]ch when I tast, w[i]th consumatum est Ile dye to it to live in thee at rest And that (even Dead) like thee I maye appeare My hard hart through my left syde peirce & teare W[hi]ch thy spirituall lance, thy saving word Whose pointe is sharper far, then speare or sword Whence two fold streames of charitye may flowe Blood when thou calst, water for theise bestow Soe shall my foes yt gazeing on have stood [in margin Suffragum] Say after death sure God to him was good [in margin Sepultura] (1) When thus thy passion daye I passed have, [in margin dies primus est affectionis et penitentia] Laye mee to rest w[hi]ch in thy quiet grave Was thy blood price purchas ye potters feild To bury strangers, soe this earth maye yeild Some rest to us poore pilgrims till wee rise But tis because thy blood hath paid the price, Thus dead to sinne, O give my soule the honnor (Manger the busy watch the worlde sitts on her Meekelye to sleepe by thee, in safetye sure, wrapt in thy