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Wednesday Oct 16. 1861 It poured rain last night - and is very wet this morning - we are all in fine health - but feel the loss of Ma this morning. I hope she has arrived safe. Mr? J. Edward Wilkins (Her Brittish Magistries Consort? - ) called to see Mr. Badger last night - Pa. Mr. Badger &? myself all went at eight O. clock to see Father? Badgers family. returned at ten - it ruined? to day.

Thursday Oct 17. 1861 It looks this morning as if we would have a beautiful day - Mrs. and Misses? Horton 441 Wabash avenue called to see me - it blew cool at dark Mr Badger called on Mr Gray? at 8. Oclock Mr Badger myself and Belle. Eva &? Ada went in the Cars? to Mr J.G. Blogers? party - we started home at twelve and there was no Car - so we had to wake up the Car driver and go to town at one - the Lake is very much disturbed and vessels have difficulty in getting in? - many are in sight the Party was very pleasant and well attended. have a dispatch from Ma - she arrived safe and well,

Friday Oct 18. 1861 It is quite stormy this morning - and many vessels? are in sight - at two Oclock Pa took all my children and myself to the Circus - we returned home for? and after Tea? we went to the Theatre to see Hackett? play Falstaff.

Saturday Oct 19. 1861. I think it will be a pretty day - we are all in fine health. I am fixing Ada green Plaid for home - at one I went shopping - returned at four - bought a new comb - Copy Books - also many other things - Mrs Parnhans? and daughter Sarah came to see me - also Mrs Caulfied? &? Mrs Waller?. 8000 more troops are called for in Kentucky immediately - Buckner is thought to be advancing on Louisville , Mrs James Speed? & son Josh arrived here yesterday from Louisville,

Sunday Oct 20 - 1861. What a lovely day this is - I think we will go to Church, I will write to Sister Belle to day - Mary Willard is ten years old to morrow - the children are unclear? to their house to morrow to a Party - Mr Thomas preached a nice sermon this morning - Pa went with us. at four Oclock we went to Sherman House to see Mrs? James Speed? - then we all started from unclear? and went to Father Badgers stayed awhile and then returned home all the Badgers came in to go to Church Mr Badger has gone to Church too