Shee reached wine in Babilonish challice [in margin: Spungia] whose golden show and sweet tast, shred up mirth able to exponge all goodnes from the earth My sydes shee peirces w[i]th sharpe iests & toyes [in margin: Lancea] whence flowes a streame of laughter & vayne ioyes w[hi]ch my fond soule in ruddy mirth doth dye and when I thus am lifted upp on highe [in margin: Suffragiu[m]] Insteed of those should mocke my sinnes w[hi]ch shame her parasites about me round p[ro]claime My seeming sparked of goodnes, Jesu see The world hath crucifyed mee thus to thee O save mee for if thus I dye or sincke Where shee would bury mee I quake to thinke
Redeeme me Savior while I yett have breathe And lett me not goe laughing thus to deathe [in margin Flagellum] Thou that thy Temple w[I]th a whipp didst purge Soe wounding cure me if thou please & scourge These robbers from mee, cast them forth & lash Till they unloade mee, and take hence their trash [in margin onus] Insteed whereof impose thy yoake I praye To deeme againe, and set mee in thy waye [in margin via] That upp thy steepe mount I maye followe fast And gather breath by goinge till at last Wth saints to comp[re]hend I maye have strength Wt is the glorious height, depth, breadth & length And knowe the love of thee wch is exprest By laying thy sweet crosse where thou lovest best [in margin crux] sweet crosse whose height is great omin potend whose depth inscrutable, is sapience Whose breadth is clarity ore all extending Whose length eternitye blest w[i]thout ending [in margin Spinae] But give me first compunction for my sinne Next sorrowe for the ill estate my neighbors in Lastlye a zealous good of emulation To doe whats right before thee, and soe fashion of these three peircing twiggs a crowne of thorne for mee, as thou and thy saints hath worne [in margin Officio] then nayle my ffeete and hands & make them tarry That I thy servant maye thy image careye And everye daye thine and my suffering mixe Until I growe a p[er]fect crucifixe Make me abstayne from sinns yt have p[re]vayl'd And I shall thinke my left hand thou hast nayl'd Next graunt that I all accons [actions] just may doe And I shall deeme my right hand fixed too Nayle