65 When Dinner is nearly ready those who mean to have the first chance arrange themselves along the table, until every seat is taken up, and at the first tick of the bell they are all in their seats in a moment. Such examples, I must say was not with? its effect upon me, as I also had to look out for number one.
May 16 at eight ock At Cairo at the mouth of the Ohio River. One thousand and forty miles from N Orleans Seventeen hundred and forty from Havana. The soil is deep and rich. The timber is very heavy and the country nearly level and is of ? ? which prevents it from being settled as it otherwise would be. The banks are ? one hundred and seventy miles above N Orleans prevent its overflowing. The crops are in a fine forward state. Corn is three or four feet high and a beautiful deep green? colour. At 10 ock waiting at Cairo for a Steam boat from Louisville Ky to St Louis. Cairo is a small place between the mouth of the Ohio River and the Missippi with perhaps? 60 or 70 houses, among which is a