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323 penciled at top of page - also 27 to give notice of this appointment, and to direct all the people to convene on the evening of the sixth day. They gave orders to the hunters to commence the business the next morning. They then selected seven men to cleanse the council house, which the houses etc. and seven others to wait on them and provide the articles for purification. They also gave orders to the fireman, whose business it was to make new fire, to have it ready against the morning of the seventh day. This fireman always had six assistants. The counsellors also appointed a man to wait on the yo wa ti ka no gi sti, i.e. the singer of the yo wa. In case the priest who sung the yo wa, at this feast had died during the past year, the counsellors selected another to fill his place, who held the office during life. All appointments being made, they retired, and the next morning the priest, his right hand man, seven counsellors, and seven women, one of each clan, commenced fasting; and during the six days previous to the commencement of the feast, ate only once in twenty four hours, and then nothing but light food. Their time of eating was a little after dark. The hunters, at the same time commenced their labours; and the first buck they shot down, the chief hunter approached, and taking hold of the tongue, before touching the buck in any other front, cut off a piece from the end of the right side and wrapped it up in leaves, for sacrifice. The man who shot the buck, then took off the skin, and barbicued the meat, which, together with the skin, and the skins of all the deer killed on the occasion, belonged to the priest, and were delivered to