[in pencil: Lee Dibdini Amer IV p 87]
If anye be distrest and fayne would gather some comforte lett him hast unto } our Father For wee of hope and health are all Bereaven except thou favour us } which art in heaven Thou shewest mercye, therefore for the same wee praise thee singing } Hallowed be thy name Of all our missery cast upp the some shew us thy Joyes and let } Thy Kingdom come Wee mortall are, and alter from our birth thou constant art } Thy wilbe don on earth Thou madest the earth as well as planets seaven thy name be blessed Heere } As tis in heaven Nothing wee have to us our Debts to paie excepte thou Givest us } Give us this daye Wherewith to cloth us, wherewith to be feed for without thee we want } Our dalye Bread Wee want but want no faulte for no day passes but we doe sinne } forgive us o' trespasses Noe man from sinning ever free did live for give us lord our sinnes } As wee forgive If wee repent our faults thou neer disdainst us wee pardon }Them y'trespsdo ag:us Forgive us that is past a newe path tread us direct us allwaies in thy faith }And lead us As thyne own people & thy chasen Nation into all truth and } Not into temptation Thou that of all good graces art the giver suffer us not to wander } But deliver Us from the Stronge assaulte of world&divell and flesh soe shalt thou free }us from all evell To this petition let both Church and Laymen [wthon consentof?] harth voyce saye Amen FINIS