by resistance, to appear at the place designated for trial, or abscond, are hereby declared to be outlaws; and any person or persons, citizens of this nation, may kill him or them so offending, in any manner most convenient, within the limits of this nation, and shall not be held accountable for the same. Be it further resolved, that if any citizen or citizens of this nation, shall enter into a treaty with the United States' government, for any object whatever other than a cession of land, he or they, upon conviction, shall be punished with one hundred lashes upon the bare back; and no treaty shall be binding upon this nation, which shall not have been ratified by the general council, and approved by the Principal Chief of the nation".
11. Under circumstances like those I have detailed, the inducements which wrought so entire a change in the Ridges and Boudinot must have been powerful indeed. It is difficult to conceive how men who appeared thus devoted to another course, could have been seduced to brave the sure lightnings of such a law, by