From Newberry Transcribe
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I write to him. Let me know at once; as it is time to plant corn. I must not write any mare this time. Shoot these Envelopes,- I hate them. They were all the kind Inrs? had. Now Ma write soon. Tell Helen to write. With love to you all I will close. Goodbye Mary. Write soon.

Mr Bray. I am going to clean house next week,- Mrs. Cummings is going to help me. I am going to paper that kitchen and hall,- and have it calsommied? overhead. I got some May flowers in the woods the other day. I am going to have some as unclear for dinner,- the first I have had I imagine it will taste awful good. Mrs. Oakes boys come home day before yesterday,- Mrs. Oak fainted away when she see them. It is half past 8 o'clock now,- I hear the school bell ringing. How do you like your brown? dress,- Don't Helen thing it nice? goods. I had a letter from Mr. Maybury and he said the seeding was all done on my land,- I hope I will have a good crop,- That makes me think,-