8 pge that can say that I am lost or is there any one here that can say that I am not saying what my heart tells me to say. After he said his last words he stood like one in a dream. Legugyakes got up. He looked at every face before he said any thing. Finally he commenced by saying I am a Combutwaush. I am a leader of my people. My people are only a hand full. I have listened to the chosen words of the Modoc chief. He predicts the truth we shall all be killed in time by the white-men if we run every time we see them. I am not going to run. I am going to fight. I will get some of them before they get me. I say fight. I am going to lead my men to the first white-mans camp I see. I will see what they sill do when they see their women and children killed. Laying around dead. Food for the cyotes bugs raven and buzzards. My hear bleeds to know that we have been treated bad by the white-man. If any of our people had stolen their horses or killed any of their people then they kill some of us. I would say I con not day they are wrong. I say as a leader among my people I intend to kill the first white-people I see. There is no one here that can turn my mind. I am going to do what I way