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[pg] 77

Richard 3 yt divers images like devells haled him } Slaughtered · Willm Rufus yt ye vaynes of his armes weare broken and the [struck out: vay] blood issued out } Slayne next day · L. Stanly that a Bore wth his tuskes rased him and an other by the heads } behedded Actia that her intralls were caryed up to heaven, and spread over all ye worlde. } Anguishes borne Caligula that hee was by Juppiters throne in heaven, who tumbled him down to the Earthe wth the great toe of his right foote. } Slayne the next day Nero that styrringe a ship the helme was stroken out of his handes That hee was fild wth a swarme of flying emots } lost hos soveraynty by conspiracy of his subjectes. Vespasian a ballance hanginge in the midst of his pallace courte, wherin Claudius and Nero counterpeized him and his 2 sonnes } They rayned lika number of yeares Domitian that hee had a goulden buntch growinge out of his back } good Nerva succeeded him. · Ethellbert that the house roofe fell on him -- murthered. · Edgive that the moone rose out of her belly whose shininge fave light over Englande } Shee conceived Athelstane · Dunstan that the king fell into a dead sheepe -- Dyed · Griffith Fitzstephens that a great hearde rushed upon Hugh Lacy, wherof the greatest had killed him wthout his reskew } Set upon at a parle by treason and by the other reskewed · Absimarus Emp. that Philips head was de-fended by an eagle } Succeeded Atilas mother that Mars had sente her childe a sworde wher wth to plague the wrolde. } his conquestes Traian that an ould man wth a purple coate and pretexta and crowne; did printe a signe wth a ringe, somtimes on the right side of his throate, sometimes on the left } Emperor · Adrian that in a bright and pure ayre, a fyre fell from heaven, first upon his left shoulder, and then passed over to his right, wth affright but not harme him. } The next day hee heard of his adoption to the Empyre.