pg 101 OP: cdm85 2017-07
stat. 3 barly graynes an Inche 12 Inches a foote. 3 feete a yarde 5 yardes 1/2 a perche 40 perches and 4 in breadethe an aker..
An english peny to weigh 32 graynes of wheate 20 [symbol] an ounce 12 ounces a lib. 8 lib a gallon of wine. 8 Gallons of wine a a London by this the 8'8 part of a quarter. A loade of lead 30 formells, a formel 6 stone except 2 lib a stone 12th 2? in weiygt 25b A weight of wooll tallow and cheese 14 stone 2 weight of wool a sacke 12 sack a last. A last of Herringe 10000 to y[^e] 1000 10 hunthred y[^e]200 sixskore. A last of leathor 20 deker a Dicker 10 skinnes. 100 of wax suger peper synamu' nutmeggs and allow 13 stone 1/2 every stone 8th the 100/108th lib of spice pe[crossed out u]r confection in weight 206 all other thinges 256. lib of electuaryes and confections 12 oz the oz 12?. 100 of Linnen 120 100 of Iron 5 skore. Dozen of Iron 6 peeces 100 handfish 8 skore A sack of woll 26 stones a stone 14th A ?uire of skinnes 33.
[column 2] The Jewes began theyr measures by the quantity of a henne egge Arias Moontannus.
Number of 7.Groto f.21. Passus spatiu' inter extensas manus quad et longitudo humani corporis constant 4 cubitis cubitus ab articulo medy[umlaut] bracyy[umlaut] ad mediu' digitum sef quipaedalis constatex 6 palmis vem et vlina.
Ampohora Romana ...pedes Rom pes Romanus continet palmas 4 digitos 16 bacias 12. Amphora capit 2 vrnas vel tres modios sine 6 tarios ciclus stater Argenteus Ide'
[next three lines grouped together] 150 portugal reyes Crolus guilden 4 rialls }one.
A french crowne is 60 Turkish Maidini a daber or oryall of 8 is worthe 45 maidini.
Mony. Ethiopia pepper Tombuto cockles Azanugla} China} porcellette Congo Lumache Belgian salte.