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Thomas Dongan Lieutenant Governour and Vice Admirall of Newyorke and Dependencyes? in America under his Most Sacred &? Majestye James the Second of England Scotland France and Ireland King Defender of the faith & Supreme Lord and Proprietor of the Province aforesaid To All unto whom these presents shall come send the Greeting. Whereas John Palmer of the Citty of New York Esq. John Royse? of the same place Merchant and Richard Cornhill of Flushing in Queens County Esq have by my Lycence purchased from the Indian Natives A Certain parcell of Land Lyeing and Being? on Long Island to the Eastward of Huntington Comonly? called or known by the name of Crabb Meadow and by the Indians called Katawomeck? As by a Deed from the said Indians bearing? date? the tenth day of October last past Acknowledged? before the Councell and Entered on Record in the Secretarys Office may more at Large Appeare? Now Know Yee that I the said Collonell? Thomas Dongan by virtue of my Commission? and of the Authority to derived? and power? in me residing in Consideration of the promisses And of the Quitt rent? hereinafter uncertain and Expressed Have Given granted Ratifyed and Confirmed And by those present Doth? give grant Ratifye and Confirm'd unto the Said John Palmer John Royse and Richard Cornhill all the before recited? Parcell of Land lyeing and being on? Long Island to the Eastward of Untington Comonly called or known by the name of Crabb Meadow and by the Indians called Katawomeck? bounded on the west by a certaine cove leading to Huntington Mill and from the head of the said Cove running south to the Highway which? leadeth to Southampton and soe along the Highway side to a place called Whitmores? Hallow and from thence northward all along the said Hallow as the Hallow runneth? place called the Fresh pond and from thence westward as the Sound runneth to the outermost point of Land which maketh the Cove aforesaid and soe up to the said? ... the Road thereof where it first begann with all and singular its rights members? and appurtenances Together with all and all manner of uncertain pastures feedings meadows? ... woods underwoods ways fences? lakes ponds creeks beach or beaches Rivers brooks hunteing hawkeing fishing and fowleing and Appurtenences whatsoever to the said