pg 98 OP: cdm85 2017-07
Numbers measure coynes./ [top right corner: 73]
[column 1] Apud Athenienses valet obolis 6 cerates 7 teruncios mina 60 pars talenti, auri se?cuylum. Talentium 60 minas. mina 100 drachmas. Drachma 6 obolos obolus 6 aereos aereus 7 minnta.
Limits a pointe of a line, a line of a si?ticies a superficies of a body. parasanges 30 furlonges League 3 miles A mile 8 furlonges A furlonge 125 pages A pace 5 foote A foote 12 Inches An Inche 3 barlycornes. medimnus 1 by 1/2. modius 3 gallons 7 pintes
Denaruis} Drachma} [the two lines set together] 7 ? ob. obolus ??q[^a] Sesertius ?ab q[^a] q. Assis q[^a}.9.c... 4 sesterty[umlaut] denarius 8 denary[umlaut] an ounce 10 asses denarius 6 oboli drachma.
[column 2] valuation of Mettalls Greekes 1ft golde for 10 silver sometimes for 12. Darius 1 talent of gold for 13 silver Germaynes antiently 13?ts e[symbol] 1/2 silver, then 12 parts e now 11 ?tse 4/3 First price of metalls golde 2 silver 3 quicksilveer and 4 yme. 143 ?ts bar bought for on parte of silver. Brasse 220 pts for 1 silver black lead 880 pts. Iron 1282 partes. Decies sestertiu' decies centena HS mille sestertiu' Ide.
[nb: these are obsolete roman numerals. Please do not edit this section until and unless you actually understand what the reverse C actually means. It is not a J. It is not an I. Please leave in place. I transcribed it correctly once. It was overwritten, incorrectly. ] IↃ vel D 500
[infinity symbol] 1000 CIↃ IↃↃ V[with line above]IↃↃ}4000
IJJ 5000
CCIJJ 10000
IJJJ 50000
CCIJJ CCIJJ CCCIJJJ vel XX[with line above]
CCCIJJJ 100000.