[colunm1] Sensibus ad intenora
Sensus Communis momoria voluntas Cupiditas Inde regress ad exteriora motu: localem.
ratione mentis 3 facultates hominis
Intellectus ratio mens.
Spur 3 naturalis in Hepate vitalis corde animalis cerebro.
3 genra: humoru:
Chylus in ventriculu et viviuis venis, Chymes saccus fel sanguis in hepate corde ed venis. humor alimentarius in ha= bitu totius corporis.
Sensus externi communi communis fantasticae fantasia mentis intelligentiae intelligentia scientiae. Davyes.
Elementes of the body body blood blood spirits spirits soule soule minde minde understandinge understanginge God.
[column 2] Homo capite nascitur pediber[?] Aertux John Kinge of Aragon diverse times lost and recovered his sight fruly lib. 1g. fol 919.
Eyes Argus tongues fame hendes briarey tingues babilon hartes Gerion a 100 tongues Virgil desyred a 100 hartes Groto,
Abbot Grollo Seldo[m] rode wthout rayne.
lettere 495.
Thinges that men could not abide see petrarch 909
Last King Philipp could not smell.
Philip the 2 did never eate fish.
whe[n] the heart is prepared
The senses are reddy to perceave The imagination to represent The knowledge to forme The wit to finde out The reason to judge The memory to conserve The understandinge to apprehende.