To Speak with Spirits:
Call their names, "Orimoth, Behemoth, Limoc," and say thus, "I conjure you by the names of the Angels + Sator and Azamor that ye attend me in this Hour, and send unto me a Spirit called Sagrigit that will fulfill my commands and desires and that can also understand my words, for one or 2 years, or as long as I will."
Lower case epsilon Ɛ A_0 or A sub zero and possibly other mathematical characters.
Names and Seals of the Planetary Angels: The words on the first seal (left image): “Panthon [Craton] Usion Messyas Sother Emanuel Sabaoth Adonay.” (Gk. [Ruler] of All, Blessed, Messiah, Savior, Emanuel Sabaoth, Adonai.) In triangle: “Lap tenop † Rynthaoth † Dat tha gen”. Second seal (right image): “Otheos yon / Alpha et Omega / ely eloy / Aries Leo.” In center: “On, la (probably an error for “ya”) / Mala iij Mala iij.”
Bottom figures are Signs of particular spirits (Angels). [Compare Johann Baptista Großchedel "Magical Calendar". Carlos Gilly has identified the original manuscript on which the printed Magical Calendar was based as British Library manuscript Harley 3420 (1614 AD). ("Großchedel's Calendarium Naturale Magicum Perpetuum," in Carlos Gilly, Cis van Heertum (ed.) Magia, Alchimia, Scienza Dal '400 al '700. L'influsso di Ermete Trismegisto Centro Di: 2 vols. Firence, 2002, vol. 1 pp. 310-317.