Longe attended
Hebrewes Messias Turkes Glory Phisitians quintessence alchimistes elixir philisophers concorde Husbandes quiet
Groto Amongest the Gods
Momus carpeth at all worthyes: Hercules plaugeth all monsters Divels Pluto is angry wth all the ghods Philosophers Democritus laughes at all Heraclytus weepeth [crossed out: at] for all. Pirrhus is ignorant of all Aristotle thinketh hee knoweth all Diogenes contemneth all.
opiniones Doctru: fides mercatoru: blauditiae faemanaru: Accipe medicoru: EtCaetera notarioru: malitia rusticoru: Juramenta ruffianoru:.
Rich dye of hunger poore of surfeict clergy me'[n] of coulde.
In Juuene
Theologo conscientiae detrimentu: Legista Bursa decrementu: medico caemitery incrementu: