Divining Stones Of these there were five kinds, differing only in size. That used in war was the largest, that used by the civil priests in the various feasts and [munific?]cations at home, was next in size. The one used at the hunters feasts and in various ceremonies connected with hunting was the next. After this was one used for finding things lost or stolen and last of all was that used for determining the time anyone had to live. These stones are chrystalline quartz, with six sides, coming to a point at one end like the diamond, are perfectly transparent, and were doubtless selected instead of to take the [face?] of the diamond used by the ancients, [unclear], [diagram of 6-sided structure resembling a house], only regular in its parts. These are called [tre lu sa ta, n'e] Lights, one for instance is called [M la sa ta], light, not light simply, that would be the [i ko ku ti] but this is light shining, or [prancing] through something, as through