were as follows: for 3 weeks, _5: _ For 4 weeks, 9 _ For 6 weeks, 1._ After some further remarks by the members, the following Resolution was passed without a dissenting vote & sent to the Council. Resolved by the Committee & Council, in General Council Convened, that so much of the laws passed 24th October 1827, supplementary to the law passed 5th Nov 1825, requiring the Treasurer of the Cherokee Nation to call in all monies loaned out of the Treasury, on the first Monday in October, 1828, be & the same is, hereby repealed. Be it further resolved, that any person or persons, who may be owing the National Treasury by bond for loaned money, shall be allowed one month from the passage of this resolution, to renew his or their bond or bonds in the Treasury, by paying up the interest due thereon, and giving sufficient securities - and that he or they shall be required to pay up the full amount of his or their bond or bonds, with the interest, by three installments, six months each: the first installment & interest to be paid seven months after the passing of this resolution, and the second instalment, to be paid six months thereafter. _Be it Further Resolved, that in case any person or persons, who may fail to renew his or their bond by paying up the interest & within the space of one month, as provided above, the Treasurer shall proceed to have the full amount of his or their bond or bonds with the interest due thereon, collected agreeable to law._ Thursday 23d Oct: 1828 The Resolution submitted to the Council giving further indulgence to public debtors, was adopted, with a verbal amendment, when the house adopted the following rule: The Committee has adopted a rule that any objections or amendments that may be proposed by the Council, to any resolution submitted by the Committee,