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She gave Belle & Eva a handsome unclear Apron & also a blue silk Apron - I went shopping - then went to see Ma - Ella Badger home tonight? - all [[unclear packing - Mr Hale Morton? came to see me - Sunday 19.1861. This morning Mr. Badger & children went to Sunday School - baby? went down in pouring rain to spend day with Ma - at 11 Sister Virginia sent Carriage for me - Ada & I went to Mr Heywoods Church - when we got to the Church door it poured rain - we went to Sister Belle Shreve,s? to dinner - children dining at Ma,s - Sister Virginia sent Carriage for me at 4 - we went to her house and Sis & Mr. Shreve? and spent evening - Sister sent me home in her Carriage at 10 - it poured rain - Monday May 20-1861. This morning threatened rain - Pa gone over to Jeffersonville to receive boxes - Father Badger Octave? & my Husband beside unclear assisting are still packing - Our beds are all gone now - unclear are all my well - Freidrieka is home - children taking baths - Virginia came to see us - Mrs Milton sent & borrowed Eva,s unclear Sack - rain since 12 O. clock - I went to bed early - Tuesday May 21 - 1861. It is very bright this morning - but I fear it may rain - all will be very busy to day, Shipped Furniture and all the things are home? - Mr Badger will not go to day - at 12 unclear dressed to go visiting - Sis? sent her Carriage for us - Ada? was taken sick with Fever & Headache - I undressed her and put her to bed - sent Belle & Eva with Ellen to have their Dageraytype? taken - they came home at 4 - Ada slept 3 or 4 hours - has much unclear - Mr Emery Low came to see me - so did Mr Heywood - also Mrs unclear Bell & Mrs John Bell - Mrs Lane came to tell us "Good Bye" - Mrs unclear Bell,s children came to see mine - my baby boy is sick to night - has vomited he has eaten something that dont agree with him - Mr Hunt has Telegraphed Mr Badger to come to New York - all our Furniture has gone - we have not a Chair - Ma will lend us Crockery untill we go - Mr Badger has gone to see his Sister - Ada is no better to night - Virginia & Siss came to see me - Belle & Eva gone to Col- Andersons - Wednesday May 22nd 1861. This is a beautiful day - at Breakfast Mr Badger received a dispatch from Mr Hunt - to come to New York - he will start to day - Ada was very sick all night but is better this morning so is baby - I am so unsettled that I will be glad when we get moved - all the rest of family well - Mr & Mrs Craik came to see me he gave me a book - Mrs unclear,s children came also, Mr Hadtell? came I paid his bill. Sister Virginia & Belle came. also the children - at 12 Mr Badger went to New York - Dr Marshall, husband of Sally Ewing, died this morning - Belle & Eva went to see Selina Barret - they dined with my Mother - unclear Badger slept home last night, Thursday May 23rd 1861. This is a lovely morning - I rose at five - Ada much better this morning - she will get up and dress - all the rest well - Father Badger goes to Chicago this morning Virginia came to see us took Eva with her to dinner. Pauline came to me to day to get me to take her back - she commenced leving -