Quincy, Ill Oct 29th / 54
Dear Brother N- I intended to have written you last Sabbath but Mrs. Fox with whom I board was taken sick with the Typhoid fever & my time was spent with her & all my leisure time since. I am taking care of her to day but will spend my leisure time with you. Fine in regard to Myron's limb - it was not taken off only the old bone taken out. The opperation was severe than amputation but his limb is now gaining very fast. The new bone & the sore scarred in a healthy condition much more so than the Doct anticipated. He thinks Myron will have a good leg again perhaps in a year & perhaps it may take longer. If you were to have seen it you wouldn't have thought from the looks it ever could have been well again. He is now doing well in everything.
[written on the left-hand side of the letter] I had no object in asking of Mr. Frazer only to know if there had been a man where by that name or if he had been written under an assumed name