and so they all started for Fort Custer. The Schunz? party had a severe? time, when our men struck them, they were out of the greater part of their rations and had been solveing themselves by eating berries. On the road to Custer one of our teams upset while passing a ravine, piling the driver wagon supplies & mules in one general heap, the driver unfortunately being underneath. Schunz? became very much excited, saying that he would sacrifice anything if the driver was not killed, after the removal of the debris heaven? the fellow was found to be not very seriously injured, which so elated the secretary that he gave him W. V.?. We were all hoping that Mrs Schunz? would spend a few days at the agency, as there are many little matters here which we would like for him to understand. I am of the impression that he does not entertain much sympathy for