[along the side: You asked me in a recent letter if those slippers of Rogers were a fit they are a real nice fit and very comfortable I assure you]
3 United States Indian Service Crow Agency Mont Ty Dec 25th, 1884.
My dear Eliza
(I have been working hard today and must work late this eve or unclear night,) yet I will send you and Rogers and the little ones my good cheer and best wishes for a brighter day than you anticipated while writing yours of the 17th. I do trust that Rogers may escape with a very slight attack of the fever. I shall anxiously await your next letter and do trust that it may contain good news. Give my best love to the patient little fellow and tell him that I am very sorry indeed to hear of his sickness. During the past week I've rec'd several letters and packages from you, the latter containing the Bronze penwhiper, med? cup & box, diary, ash-tray, fichu for Mrs Chandler, attars of rose, and thermometer & handkerchief also the salt & pepper box. The fichu and silk bag and unclear are not yet rec'd nor the views of Malta. I distributed the gifts as per your letters and Miss C and Mrs C,