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To have a Spirite in a Glass to tell all things they use first with a prayer to consecrate ^[illegible] being layd upon a cleane Towell, Then they put five drops of hallowed oyle on five places of the Glass like a Cross: desiring of God by a short prayer that som spirit may enter into the Glass to resolve and answer them in all doubtfull occasions. Afer [sic] they draw the five drops together like a cross and say Per istam unctionem sit hoc speclum consecratum + Et benedictum + et sanctificatum + quod habeat perfectam potestatem ad demonstrandum nobis Angelos quos volumus in nomine + &c. Then make a sufflation and say per istam [crossed out: ?????? ??? ????????? consecratum] sufflationem descendat in hoc speculum virtus spiritus sancti, concitetur speculunm scientia repræsentandis ut spiritus exorciz impleat et ut dubia omnia et occulta reddantur perfecta et certa ut se imperasse gaudeat per ipsum Dominum qui vivis et imperas in sæcula sæculorum. Amen. Then must the glass be washed and rubbed with crums [sic] of bread: which must be burnt in the fire and so the sufflation is made: Then gladly he will appeare and answer to thy Asking. Then they say before the Glass Ne Truda, Truda, Normay instillator. Coniuro te Essleracon per nomen Belfalum per fantalinatis Lauta, per Cruelon istam magnam, per sufflentoam maximam, per S. Mariam Matrem Domini nostri Iesu Christi summa virgine nati, per beatam Mariam Magdalernam per beatam Margaretam per caput S. Io. Baptistæ, per Petrum et Paulam per virtutem Domini nostri Iesu Christi: ut in isto specule continuo ad omnia rogata respondeas. by that thou shall have one saying mouth to mouth [an]d showing all that you will desire. Take cleane mirore or mirrhor and virgin parchment [&] wrap the glass therin, and write theis words on the Parchment Osmeny: Lis, Crebey. ....