Priueledges of the French Princes of of the blood for Hen. Cond.princ. fo 101. Heres regni Franciae Delphinus Freater Mounsieur Ulterior Mounsieur le prince The Earldom of Champaigne bare potences 13 peeces by cause so many Earldoms were heath therof. Romani mutuati sunt insignia magistratuum a Tuscis. Nobility of Spayne see Marm Siculus and theyr reuerences [?] England see Holingshed
Precedence L[or]ds
Chancellor Treasurer Presid. Of Councell Priuy Seale
Aboue all Dukes not of ye blood royal [except?] kings brother unkle Nephew ___ Great Chamberlayne High Constable Marshall Admirall Great maister Chamberlayn
next priuy seal If Barons aboue all Barons. If earles aboue all earles.
Degrees of honor souerayne.
Conditores legislatores Liberatores propagatores seu propugnatores patres patriae
Grecians Neptune Troians Minerua Ulisses Dolphin Agamemnon Lyons head Lacedemonians Λ Alcibiades Cupid Neocorus Drago Demosthenes Good Fortune