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The Devill never assists men to do supernaturall things un= desired; w^n Therefore such Like things shall be testified against ye accused Party not by [Spectrs?] which are Devills in ye Shape of Persons [inserted: either] Living or dead, but by reall men or women who may be credited, it is proof Enough yt [that] such an one hath yt [that] Conver= sation and Correspondence is w^th ye Devill, as y^t [that] Hee, or Shee who= ever they be ought to be Exterminated from amongst men. This not w^th standing, I will add. It were better Ten suspected Witch^es should escape, y^n y^t one Innocent person should be Condemned It's an old saying & True; _Præstat reum nocentem absolvi, quà[m] Ex prohibitis indiciis & illegitimâ probatione Condemnari._ Tis better y^t a guilty person should be absolved, y^n y^t he should w^th out sufficient ground of convictio[n] be condemned. I had rather judge a witch to be an honest woman, y^n judge an honest Woman as a Witch The word of God directs men not to proceed to y^e Executio[n] of y^e m[os]t capital Offenders, untill Such time as upon Searching dillige[n]tly _y^e matter is found to be a truth & y^e thing Certain._ Deut. 13:14[,15] An [Inserted (P)] Acquaintance of mine at _London_ in his descriptio[n] of _New England_ declares, y^t [that] as to their Religion, y^e [the] People there are Like Mr Perkins. It is no dishonour to us if y^t be found true. I am sorry if any amongst us begin to slight so great a man, [crossed out ^whom] ye most Learned in forraign Lands speake of w[i]th admiration on account of his polite & acute judgement. It is grave & good advise w^ch thee giveth in his _Discourse of wichcrafts_ (Chap. 7 Sect. 2) wherw^th I conclude. _I would therefore wish and advise all Jurors who give their verdict upon Life & death in Courts of Assizes to take good heed, y^t as they be diligent in Zeal for God's Glory & y^e good of his Church in detections of Witches by all sufficient & Lawfull meanes, so Likewise they would be carefull w[ha]t they do & not to condemn any Party suspected upo[n] bare Presumptions without sound & sufficient proofs, that they be not Guilty through their owne rashness of shedding Innocent Blood._ FINIS

[Text in left margin:]

(p) m[r] Morden. [in] his Geogr: [p.] 577.

(q) Voetius Biblioth: L: 2.

[(r)] Lætus in Compend. Hist.