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The Devill never assists men to do supernaturall things un= desired; wn therefore such like things shall be testified against the accused Party not by [Spectrs?] which are Devills in the Shape of Persons [inserted: either] Living or dead, but by reall men or women who may be credited, it is proof Enough that such an one hath that Conver= sation and Correspondence with the Devill, as that Hee, or Shee who= ever they be ought to be Exterminated from amongst men. This not withstanding, I will add. It were better Ten suspected Witch^es should escape, than that one Innocent person should be Condemned It's an old saying and True; [Proestat?] reum nocentem absolvi, qùã Ex prohibitis judicus & illegitima probatione Condemnan. Tis better that a guilty person should go absolved, than that he should ^be w out sufficient ground of convicted be condemned. I had rather judge a witch to be an honest woman, than judge an honest Woman as a Witch The word of God directs men [not?] to proceed to the Execution of the [illegible - most?] capital Offenders, untill Such time as upon Searching dillige[n]tly the matter is found to be a truth and the thing certain. Deut. 13:14 An [Inserted (P)] Acquaintance of mine at London in his description of New England declares, that as to their Religion, the People there are Like Mr Perkins. It is no dishonour to us if that be found true. I am sorry if any amongst us begin to slight so great a man, whom ye most Learned in forraign Lands speake of with admiration on account of this polite and acute judgement. It is grave and good advise which thee giveth in his Discourse of wichcrafts (Chap. 7 Sect. 2) wherwith I conclude. I would therefore wish and advise all Jurors who give their verdict upon Life and death in Courts of Assizes to take good heed, if as they be diligent in Zeal for God's Glory and the good of his Church in detections of Witches by all sufficient and Lawfull meanes, so Likewise they would be carefull what they do and not to condemn any Party suspected upon bare Presumptions without sound and sufficient proofs, that they be not Guilty through their owne rashness of shedding Innocent Blood. FINIS

[Text in left margin:]

[-n] Mord en. [illegible] is Geogr: [illegible].577.

[illegible] voetius Biblioth: L: 2

[Laetus?] in Compend. Hist.