Monday 11th Dec 1841. This was a very bright day - children gone to spend the day with Ma - Ada went visiting with Miss Benjimin and myself- she called on Mrs sensible Emma Wilder Heart - Mrs James Speed Mrs Dr Goddard Mrs J.B. Hilton Mrs Mc Gregor, then went down town and turned to see Ma a little while -
Tuesday 12 March
This is a real March day - very windy - went visiting with Benjimin and Sis - called to her Mrs Heikell her daughter Lizzie ill for sometime she has Whooping Cough now - called on Mrs Griffin - Mrs H.L. Davis, Mrs Downs , Capt Coleman, May Brecel, Betty Hamilton, Mrs Alex Craig - returned home to Dinner of five - Eva complaining of sick stomach so might want to bed early - all the rest well - took their bath today - Ella Basker spending evening with us - Pauline crocheted Belle a blue worsted sack with white border - received a letter from Rehoda - Mattis has been very ill - with inflammation of the stomach - Mrs A Heidi Mrs Barnet and Mrs Cranford came to see me today - Wednesday 13 March - 1861 Today looked like rain - and did not clear off until 6 - Oclock - the rain was no sevens - little ones all well at Home - Pauline finished Belle's blue worsted sack today - it took one pound of worsted for it is a long back - making Ada a white Merino trimmed with blue silk flowers - Mrs [F?ter] gave Belle her Music Lesson - I went to her Ma after supper Mr Badger went to Lecture Thursday 14 March 1861 This is a rather pleasant day Mrs Sam Tompkin came to see me - it is Eva's birthday - she is eight- Mr Badger has Headache - there is a report that the Small Pox is prevailing in our City - Children at Macs, all well. Friday March 15 Went to the Dentist with Six of children - at 3 went to Dancing school with Belle, Eva, and Ada - we all well to day - Making Ada a White Merino trimmed with blue silk - Saturday 16 March 1861. It rained all this morning - was meant to Dancing School - Belle Ava and Ada in the rain - returned at one, went again at 3 - she heard to day of the death of Levi Tyler - also Mr Ben Davis who died suddenly - Barry Coleman brought me home in his Buggy - from school - Sunday March 17 1861. It is a very pretty day - children and Mr Badger gone to Sunday school - I am going to Church with Ada - Mr Davis and Mr Tyler to be buried to day - Pa took breakfast with me - Mr Badger and children went to Saint Pauls to Mr B. L Davis's funeral - I walk to Rhoda and Jeannie Heith - she went to Mr Harwood Church after Pear was to see Ma. X Monday 18 March 1861. X To day is cold by very bright - at nine Oclock - I sent a [Nack] for Ma to come of and see me - she came and spent the day - it was the first time since we have moved - her health is very bad - and I always go to see her - and she says I must now do all the visiting - while her health is bad - Benjimin and children all drived with me - we took Ma all over the house - I went to ride with her in the Carriage Miss Mary Johnson Miss Ellen Cochran Mrs Arch Cochran and Mrs Conbes came to see me - Siss called also - received a letter from Joe - he a little better with his Rheumutism - he can walk and use his arm a little -