by some providence discovers the fraud of the devils that so like Innocent(?) may be vindicated, or if not it is to bring them to repentance for some sin or to try their patrinos(?). It is hard to see such words dropping from the pen of a Jesuit(?).As for protestant writers I cannot call to mind our(?) of anytold that doth deny the possibility of the affirmative in the question before us.((a) printed at Frankfurt anno1689) Dr. Henkenbaus(?) hath lately published (a) a learned X elaborate(?) oiscourse(?) concerning the right method of curing such as are obsessed with caco(?)demons in which (pag105) he asserts that satan may possibly assumed the form of innocent pious reforms that so thereby he might destroy their reputations X expose then to undue punishments . As for our English Didnos(?) there are not many greater Casuists(?) then mr. Perkins.Nor do I know any and that half written on the card(?) of witchcraft with more judgement X clearways(?) of understanding . he hath therefor(?) words (b) If a man being dangerously sick X like to dy upon suspicion will takeit upon his death that such on and(?) hath bewitched him Hy(?) an allegation which may move the judge to examine the party but is of no momment for conviction ((c) in his witch craft discovers p.277) the like is asserted by our Coapre (?) Mr. Bernard once a famous minister at Batcomb in Somerset his book called a guide to grand juryman in cases of witchcraft a solis(?) Xwise (?) realizes what his judgement was in the case now under debate we may see pag. 204.210 where his words are this(?) an apparition of the party suspected whom the affliction in their fits seen to see is a great suspicion yet this is but presumption this a strong and becomes this apparitions are wrought by the Devil and can represent to this fancy such as those paralysis(?) used to fear in whcih his representatoin he may as well by as in his other wchufs(?) for if the devil can represent wich seeming samuel saying see Gods afiowing(?) out earth to beguile saul may we not think he can represent common ordnary person men or woman unrengerable though no witch to the fancy of cain performs to decieve them X other that will give credit to the devil thus mr bernard