Apparel. Varius vestitus religiosoru[m] Ag. de Va. Sc. N. Vestis Bissino & lino [Bombicina?] verme Serica arbor[?] lana
At Duk of Bauaryas Sonnes marriage a horse was brought in in dutch apparrell. Bulls cannot abide red apparell nor Elephant[u?]s white.
Troians ware dayes [astrological sign for sun] yellow [astrological sign for moon] white [astrological sign for mars] red [astrological sign for mercury] blowe [astrological sign for jupiter] Green [astrological sign for venus] purple [astrological sign for saturn] black ./
January white. Feb. ashcolor March tawny. Aprill dark green. May light greene. June carnatio[n] July red, August yellow September blew. October violet Nouember purple. December black
[Leiuss?] of Aniou dyed in Italy so poore that hee had no other clothes, saue his coat armor of cloth.