of some ministers of the reformed Religion, the [Divels?] in the [Obsojsbd?] laughed and said that they were not at all affraid of [from?] for the [underlined][Calvimin?] and they were very good friends. [Thoelesuites?} [mi?] = suls with [thofo?] [harimonies?], as if they were Divine [Oraclos?]. But the Father of Eyes is [now?] [to?] Co bo = loived; Hee will utter [Evenly?] great truths to = make [way?] for one Eye. Hee will [accifo?] Twenty witches [I?] [P?] [thorby?] [he?] can bring one Inōcent person into [trouble?]. Hee [misceth?] truth with Eyes,