more then once or twice. Nor is it Ordinary for Demons to Steal money out of mens pocket & purses or wine and .Cyder out of their Cellars. Yet Some Such [illegible] have their been among ourSelves. It is not usuall for Providence to permitt a Divel to Come from Hell and to throw fire on the Top of Houses and to Cause whole Townes to be Burnt to Ashes therby Ther would (it must be confessed) be no Living in the world if Evill Angell Should be permitted to doe this when ever they had a mind to is [Nevertheless?], All [illegible] worthy of [illegible] us that this [illegible] Sometime happened. Both [illegible] Write taht the Towne of [Shittouk?] in Germany was in the month of April [illegible] on [illegible] by the Divel and burnt to the ground in an Hours Space. Tis also reported by [illegible] and others, that some Cottages and [illegible] in a Towne Called [illegible] were fired by a wicked [illegible]. That Spitefull Demon Said it [illegible] for the [illegible] of Such aman whom [illegible] names that [illegible] neighbours who were Ready to Stone him Carried an HottIron in his hand but [illegible] no [illegible], [no way?] judged to bee inȏcent. It is not Ordinary for a Divel upon the Dying Curse of a Servant to have a [Communication?] from Heaven to [illegible] and torment a bloody Cruel [