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15 [underlined: Guell] Saith of him that he must ingeniously confess that he never understood Solomons proverbs until [underlined: Lavator] Expounded them to him. That book of his [underlined: DeSpeitris] has boon Published in Latin Greek hish and Low Dutch, French, Italian. Tho [Scar=] ned [underllined: Zanchy] (+)Speakes highly of it, professing that he had read it both with Pleasure and pro= fitt. [underlined: Vochin] (a) [fakes nohio?] of that passage [illegible: rise] have [crossed out 1 word] Quoted out of [underlined: Lavator] as a thing memorable. Some Popish Authors argue that the Divel cannot personate the such as an [crossed out 1 word] Inocont do= ing an act of Witchcraft because [thombo?] might as well represent thom Committing [crossed out: Self] murder and If so thon would thor be no Living in tho world. But I {hern?] tho Argument against thom. [illegible] I beemay (as tho mentioned in stanos Trove) perso- nate honst mon as doing other Evils. And no Solic Reason can be given why he may not as well personate thom under the [nohon?] of witches as under thos nohon of Thieves, Murderers, & Idola= tors. As for tho objection that thon ther would be no Living in the world, we shall consider that un= der tho [noser?] Argument.

[In Margin: (+)Episol. 2 (a)in dispute de Magia. 525]