Juell Saith of him that he must ingeniously confess that he never understood Solomons proverbs [crossed out: while] until Lavahr Expounded them to him. That book of this [illegible: Despectris?] has been Published [mLahn} in Latin Greek, high and Low Dutch,French, Italian. [Illegible] Zanchy (+) Speaked highly of it, professing that he had read it both with Pleasure and profitt. [Vochin?] takes notice of that passage we have [crossed out: illegible] quoted out of Lavahr of a thing memorable. Some Popish Authory argue that the Divel cannot personate [crossed out: illegible] such as an Inocont doing an Act of Witchcraft because [illegible: thomho?] might as well represent them Committing [crossed out: Self] murder, and If So, then would ther be no [illegible: Living?] in the world.