Mrs. Hannah G. Solomon, President.
Mrs. M. Ederheimer, Secretary. Mrs. J. Harry Selz, Treasurer.
Bureau of Personal Service (Ninth Ward) Office, 531 Union Street.
EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE. Mrs. A. I. Radzinski, Mrs. David B. Falther, Dr. Jos. Stolz, Mr. Jos. Weissenbach, Mrs. J. S. Meyer, Miss Esther Witkowsky, Mr. Jacob J. Abt, Mr. Leo. B. Lowenthal
Adress all communications to MINNJE F. LOW, Superintendent. MINNIE M. JACOBS, Asst. Supt.
Hours, 10:30 to 12:30. Chicago, unclear? 28th 1901?
June, 28th, 1901
Mr. Philip Bregstone