what credit is to be given to those that Say they can turn men
into horses? If so, they can as wel turne Horses into Men. But all the Witches on Earth in Conjunction with all the Devilles
in Hel can never make or unmake a Rational Soul, And then they can not transform a bruit into a man, nor a man into a Bruit, So that this Transmutation is Phantasticall. The Devill may & often does impose on the Imagina- tions of his witches & Vassals yet they believe themselves to be converted into Beasts & reverted into men again
As Nebuchadnezzar whilst under the Power of a Daemon
really Imagined himself to be an Ox, & would Ly out of doors & Eat grasses. The Devill hath inflicted on many a man the Disease called Lycanthropia [underlined], from whence they have made Lamentable Complaints of their Being Wolves. In a [crossed out] word, there is no more reallity in what many witches Confessed of Strange things Seen & don by them, whilst Satan had them in his full power; than there is in Lucians [underlined] ridiculous Fables of his being bewitched into an Ass, & with strange foals he then played. So [that what] such persons relate concerning persons & things at Witch-meetings ought not to be received with too much Credulitie. I could mention dismal Instances of Innocent Blood which hath bin shed by meanes of the Lyes of some Confessing Witches. I shall only take notice of an awfull Example mentioned by H.B Spotswood [underlined] in his History of Scotland p. 449. His words are these. "This Summer ([vizt?] Anno 1597) There was a great buissness for the Tryall of Witches; amongst others one Mar- -garet Atkin [underlined] being apprehended on suspicion, & thretned with torture did confesse her selfe guilty. Being Ex- amind touching her Assosciate in that Trade, she named a few, & perceiving her [delations?] find credit, made offer to detect all of [the?] sort, & to purge the Country of them, so she might have her Life graunted. For the