courage him from doing things Sinfull [?] and [ampersand sign] good. A multitude of [illegible] [crossed out word: persons] were once de= luded by a person pretending to be moses from Heaven, and that if they would follow him they should pass safely throw the sea (as did their fathers of old throw the Red Sea) wherby great numbers of them were deceived and [ampersand sign] perish= ed in the waters (so) (?) Learned and Judiciary men have concluded that this [two underlined words] Moses Creensis was a [underlined word] Daemon transforming himself into [underlined word] Moses. And that the Divel [?] has frequently appeared in the shapes of famous persons to the end [?] he might seduce into Idolatry ( [?] a Sin equall to that of Witchcraft. No man that has made it his con= cern to enquire into things of this nature can be Ignorant. Many examples of this kind are col= lected by Mr [underlined word] Bromhall in his Treatise of Spectres and the cunning delusions of the Divel [?] to strengthen men in worshiping of Saints departed. And by Mr [underlined word] Bovet in his [underlined word] pandaemonium. It is credibly re ported [?] that the Divel in the likeness of a faithfull minister of Christ ([caret symbol. Inserted words: as St Ives near [underlined word] Boston in Lincoln Shire) came to one that was troubled in mind [caret symbol. Inserted words: (ye same as [illegible] mentioned)] telling her that the Longer she lived the worse it wold be for her and therfore advising her to self murder. An Emi nent person still living had the account of this matter from Mr [underlined word] Cotton (the famous teacher of both
[Written in left margin] 10) (?) Socrates [Illegible]