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written you her feelings. the interest is mostly among the young people Several of Mr. Miller's children are indulging in hope. I feel as if Christians here could not be to earnest in prayer & effort that the week may continue until many very many shall choose that good part wh. shall not be taken away. Dear Cousins I wish you could listen to our good sermons they are solemn & impressive.

  You say Cousin Nathan you do not yet feel satisfied with regard to Christ's object in coming into the world the atonement wh. he made etc.  I don't know as I can say any thing wh. will satisfy you mind.  I think it is in Christ's death that we have hope, What is, that in dying he made an atonement for sin.  It is true he fulfilled the law in his life but man was exposed to the penalty of that law which was death and he must then suffered it of a Savior had not been provided; but Jesus suffering in his stead satisfied that law and has provided a way wherein all who will believe in him shall be saved of sin and death.  Has He not shown love passing all human comprehension.  Will not those be worthy of eternal punishment who refuse to believe in & obey such a Savior!  I have thought more of this subject this winter than previously it has been the topic of my Sabbath School lessons.  It seems more & more interesting & grand to me.
  I would say more but my sheet is filled.  May you obtain clear & satisfactory ideas upon this.  I like Wayland's ideas upon

(along right side) the atonement in his moral ?.