I have mentioned that the funds for Summary. which the united states stand responsible to the cherokees at this moment, may be stated, generally as follows:
I. Funds for the nation
aggregate as fined by law $ 5,330,138:00 portions of which have been thus employed: to pay for 800,000 acres of land $ 500,000:00 " " " Missionary improvements } " " " vasage reservees bought} 40,000:00
" " " arrearage of ammunities} 25,000:00
to Mr Ross
invested according to treaty 714,000:00 oldschool Fund, supposed in hand 51,138:00 1,330,138:00
Leaving to be accounted for $4,000,000:00,---
----------------------- -----------------------
of the sums specified as national indemnification.
II. Funds for Individuals. aggregate as fined by law $1,722,067:00 the whole of which has not only been fully employed, but transcended as follows:
amount expended by the com-