33 [stamp]
I enclose to your care a despatch for Colonel MacKenzie, which I wish you, to forward to him at Griffin by courier, if there is no mail. Col. Sharfter's train will load with stores at your post, give him everything. Very respectfully Your obdt. servant (Sgd) C. C. Augur
1 Enclosure Brigadier General, U.S.A.
__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 552. MCKAVETT, Fort [in left margin] Commanding Officer Fort McKavett, Texas.
The non-arrival of teams from Fort Brown has prevented the Depot Q. M. here from forwarding but Eleven teams for Colonel MacKenziie's Expedition - and twenty two new wagons. It will no do to delay the column from McKavett and Concho any longer, so the additional teams required, will have to come from your post and Concho, making Eleven from your post and ten from Concho, instead of the number designated in Special Orders No. 102., C. S. from these Headquarters. The teams from here leave to-day, and the command from you post should be in readiness to move as soon, as they reach you. The Companies to go from McKavett, are Companied "E", "H" and "I", 24th Infantry. Please report at once, what transportation will be left at your post and what additional will be required for the diminished garrison. Very respectfully Your obdt. servant (Sgd) C. C. Augur
S. O. No. 102. c.S. Brigadier General, U. S. A.
___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 553. SHAFTER, [left margin] Lieut. Col. W. R. Shafter, 24th Infantry, Fort McKavett, Texas.