it, I thought it best, for some reasons, to send Major Schofield in command and keep Col. Davidson in immediate command of his post, which I found required attention.
Very respectfully Your obdt. servant (Sgd) C. C. Augur Brigadier General Commanding
December 10, 1874. MO. MIL. DIV. Colonel R. C. Drum Asst. Adjut. General, Mil. Div. Mo. Chicago, Ills.
I have received your letter of the 24. Novbr. directing the sale at such points in Texas, as I may consider most advantageous to the interests involved, of all the Indian animals captured from Indians, who have been hostile, &c. On my arrival here, I was asvised by the Qr. Mr. who had charge of the animlas in question, that they were in very poor condition - that many had died and a number killed, who were about dying, and that they should be sold as soon as possible. I inquired about sending them to Texas