
From Newberry Transcribe
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For the piles Burn the parings of Horses hoofes on a chafing dish of coles and set it within a close stoole setting over it 3 or 4 tymes

For the piles or any heate in the face or body. Dissolve the Quantity of a haselnut of Camphor in plantain water and anoint the place.

To take away a Tetter [=pimple or boil] that it shall not be perceived. Beate vinegar and the white of an egg wel together till there doe arise a frothe bubble thereon, then having dipped lint therein and applying it to the tetter It taketh it away.

For one that can not make water. v[ide] 29. Slice 5. or 6. radish rootes, boyle them in white wine from a Gallon to a Quarte Strayn it and give it to the Patient. ____________________ To Stay the Hickock Stop both yor eares wth yor fingers very hard ______________________________________ To take away the Sunburning Put Burnet and wild tansey in cold running water 24. houres at the least then wash therwith. _______________________________________ For the Stinging of an Adder Take Garlik fried in oyle or May butter or in fresh butter apply it to the place or else (?) stamp [illegible] and Drink it.