1 78. Headquarters Dep't. of Texas,
San Antonio, Tex., February 2, 1872
SHAFTER Lieut. Colonel W. R. Shafter, 24th Infantry, Commanding Fort Davis, Texas.
I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of the 25th ult., respecting the body of Mexicans that crossed into this Country, in pursuit of Indians, and asking instructions in such cases. In reply the Commanding General directs me to say that you will pursue and capture, if possible, any armed body of Mexicans that come into our Territory. Should you succeed in capturing any, hold them prisoners and report the facts to these Headquarters. I am Sir, very respectfully Your obdt. servant (Sgd.) J. A. Augur
(Copy to Mil. Div. Mo.) Actg. Asst. Adjutant General _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 110. Headquarters Dep't. of Texas,
San Antonio, Tex., February 2, 1872