woman & always did. His organization is more delicate than mans' both physical, merital & moral. As a class she is purer & better than man and designed as I believe of our good Father as a bond of union between Earth & heaven. When she is pure & noble she is an angel of light to husband, children & friends. When she is bad & perverted she becomes a bond of union between Earth & the infernal & makes Earth a very hell. When she falls she descends as much lower than man as in her purity she is higher. I remember with grattitude that God has given me a pure & noble mother pure & noble sisters, & a dear good pure noble wife. God bless them all, It is looking now some like rain. I shall not go down to our farm in the morning if it rains. How much I should enjoy your presence to night, Could you come to me in reality as you did last night in my dreams. I would not only extract words of love from those sweet lips of yours, but love itself with its extatic joys. Should hold our whole beings in unity with its vibrations of unutterable joys. --- Good night dear wife a sweet good night affectionately your husband M.K.