-3- French books cost 2 05; a Book of Readings in 19th Century Prose (Part One) this morning cost 1 80. Omar Khayyám sixty cents. But those books in the poetry course will not, of course, have to be secured at once. Just one now and then. I spent some money for something else this morning - 3 00 for the University Concert Course. To go to any one of them would cost 3 00 and there is one? of the five that I would pay 3 00 to hear - Ignaz Friedman, pianist. Many from the school of music in Washburn went to Lawrence two years ago to hear him. There are five of them which make the admission only 60 ¢ each. Am getting powerfully no not so sleepy - as I am hungry! So will stop and eat. For tomorrow's classes I have the whole of Omar Khayyám to study; French; and four of Lamb's essays to read (4 times each she said) and pick to pieces as to how he wrote, unclear his effects etc for my Imitation? writing class It