feel right all over. John you say you are tired of Hillsboro and don't care for any body if you were half as tired there as I am of Cairo and Camp Defiance you might talk John I haven't got a cent of money to my name and I don't know of any one in the camp that has John if I [word missing? paper torn] talk to you an hour or two I [word missing -- paper torn] tell you what I thought of things in general I wouldn't stay here 3 months longer for the whole of Cairo you may think I am gassing but I am not. General Printiss has soft soaped us long enough don't tell any body what I say I wish Camp Defiance and Cairo and the Generals and Cols was sunk that's pretty hard talk but I wouldn't enlist for 3 years for the whole of Cairo and all that's in it. John don't you take it into your noddle to enlist in the war don't let Armstrong hear