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To make a Key

Take thE from that is found unlooked for make therat a key in the day and of ♀ the moon increasing and when the key is made, put it at night wth the Sacrifice of a white Cock in a quadrangle way : Saying O YEe Spirits Haylon Ac[ ]alaz, REcEivE this Sacrifice that no creature may resist against me or this key, and that where this key is put, or before what locks [forever?] it bE turned about, I may prevaile and fulfil my will. This sayd, write upon the Key this figure [~] wth theblood of the same cock: Let it be there 3 dayes and 3 nights. Then in the third day before the Cock crowe Take it out, and then goest by any City Town or howse Gates or dores Turn him from the left parte and from the West to the East, as yf you would open a lock,