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family. Oh dear me how I do want to see you how I would look at you. Do you find any one to take dinner with you. I am sadly afraid you will grow poor unless you do. I shall not soon forget those means nor the rest of the pleasant hours spent in your society. Forgive me all my folly but do not oh do not forget me. I had an invitation to go to Holland Patent Saturday but did not accept as I was afraid it would be to much for me together with my ?? in New Hartford. I have been reading the life and poetical remains of Margaret Davidson by Washington Irving, How I should have liked to have read it to you many chords in your heart would have vibrated in unison with her feelings. Oh why are the talented and good so often early called. How often does it seem as though Death took delight in calling the forrest blossoms. In reading some of Miss Davidsons poetry I felt as though I must transcribe some of it for you as expressing feelings of my own which I could not render into words but I can select nothing but what is to lengthy. You as well as I, (I presume) have often felt with her Language! then never