[fact] be. And ask what thou wilt calling [in] the name of the Angel yparon, and thou shalt [present]ely obtayne it. &c.
An Experiment to take fowle or beast. [M]ake the Signe folowing with the bloud of the [fou]le or beast that thou wilt take on virgin parcgment [an]d when it is made keep it in a secret chamber [w]here thou mayst every day for 9. dayes, say [ove]r it the Consecration called Cuiuslibet rei. [then] take the said figure and put it under thy [r]ight Armhole and when thou wilt take the [bea]st or foule it is made by, Say thus folowinf [an]d he shall not goe away; but thou mayst take him. [??]eræ Coniuro vos per ista Nomina Hemarin +